
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Starting fresh in this brand new blog.  Lady Liberty Liberal.  I'm the voice of those who are too afraid to speak for fear that they could put their jobs at risk, that they could become a target of some white "nationalist" and yes. They're out there. Waving their Hitler-esc signs.  Ok ok, maybe I should look at this from their perspective.  ..... I just can't though. First things first. I've started this blog over from scratch for the Lady Liberty Liberals movement. Aka - LLL which can be the antithesis of the KKK.  Fighting for the civil rights for everyone. Women, LGBT, etc. I don't really need to get into all the categories and labels.  Because really- we are people.  All special, unique, individuals, we all have quirks, precious differences that make up the whole of the human race.

The human race is a colorful diverse collection of people that don't need labels and special or specific boxes or categories they need to fit into so others can see a us and them.   We are one people.  Humans. Each deserving rights. Respect. Love. The right to pursue happiness, dreams, goals, to get married to those they love. To make medical decisions without someone not involved poking their nose in taking those rights away simply because a person has the ability to get pregnant.  I hope that makes sense.
Women, should always have rights to their own bodies. I'll end this first post to thank those for stopping by and being patient.